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Unlocking Advanced License Benefits in Enterprise Switches

Enterprise switches play a vital role in modern network architectures, facilitating efficient and secure data transfer within an organization. The Basic license provides standard features, while the Advanced license takes enterprise switches to a whole new level of power and functionality. This article aims to explore the concept of premium licenses in enterprise switches, highlight their importance and delve into the additional features and benefits they offer. We will also focus on the advanced license options available in FS Enterprise Switches, showcasing their capabilities and benefits.

Advanced License Basics

An advanced license is a type of high-level software license, which is not a tangible product but a software package. The advanced software license supports multiple advanced features such as MPLS, LDP, MPLS L2VPN, MPLS L3VPN, VXLAN-BGP-EVPN, IPFIX, etc. In enterprise switches, licenses act as authorization keys that unlock specific features and modules within the switch’s firmware.

Basic licenses typically provide standard functionalities such as data forwarding and basic security features. However, advanced licenses offer a wide range of additional functionalities and advantages, such as increased port counts, support for advanced routing protocols, and more granular traffic control. By understanding the different types of licenses, organizations can make informed decisions, select the appropriate license for their specific needs, and effectively take advantage of the features provided.

Advanced License

Unleashing the Full Potential of Advanced License

To fully unleash the potential of advanced licenses in enterprise switches and optimize network performance and security, organizations can leverage the following functionalities:

  • VLAN Partitioning: With advanced licenses, organizations can divide their switches into multiple Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs). This enhances network security and provides greater management flexibility.
  • Quality of Service (QoS): Advanced licenses empower organizations to prioritize network traffic based on specific criteria, such as application type, source, or destination. This ensures that critical applications receive the necessary bandwidth and guarantees a higher quality user experience.
  • Advanced Routing Protocols: Advanced licenses often include support for advanced routing protocols such as Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) or Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). These protocols enable efficient and scalable routing within enterprise networks, enhancing network stability and performance.
  • Traffic Monitoring and Analysis: Advanced licenses may offer features for traffic monitoring and analysis, allowing organizations to gain insights into network traffic patterns, identify potential bottlenecks, and proactively optimize network performance.
  • Enhanced Security Features: Advanced licenses can provide additional security features such as Access Control Lists (ACLs) and Secure Shell (SSH) protocols. These features enhance network security by allowing organizations to control access to network resources and encrypt network communications.

FS Enterprise Switches with Advanced Licenses

FS Enterprise Switches with Advanced Licenses are suitable for organizations that require robust performance, scalability, and advanced networking capabilities. The S5800-48T4S is an FS enterprise switch with an advanced license. Built with advanced hardware and software, the S5800-48T4S delivers a robust Layer 3 routing solution for next-generation enterprise, data center, Metro, and HCI networks. Here are some key details about FS Enterprise Switches:

  • Advanced License Functions: The Advanced License includes a range of advanced networking functions to enhance the capabilities of the switches. These functions include MPLS, LDP, MPLS-L2VPN, MPLS-L3VPN, VxLAN-BGP-EVPN, and IPFIX.
  • Network Protocols and Features: The switch supports multiple network protocols and features to optimize network performance and security. These include MLAG for link aggregation and redundancy, a DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment, and support for IPv4 and IPv6 routing.
  • Management and Monitoring: FS Enterprise Switches with Advanced Licenses offer comprehensive management and monitoring capabilities. They support protocols like SNMP for network monitoring and can be managed using software-defined network (SDN) solutions through RPC-API.
  • Security Features: The switches provide advanced security features to protect the network and ensure secure access. These features include support for ACL for traffic filtering, MAC whitelisting for controlling access based on MAC addresses, ARP inspection for preventing ARP spoofing attacks, IP source guard to validate IP packet sources, and IEEE802.1X RADIUS authentication for secure user access.
FS Enterprise Switches with Advanced Licenses

ConclusionAdvanced licenses in enterprise switches unlock powerful functionalities that enhance network performance and security. FS enterprise switches offer comprehensive advanced license options to meet diverse network requirements. By leveraging advanced licenses, organizations can optimize their network infrastructure and achieve a robust and efficient network. If you want to learn more, please visit

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Introducing the Advanced License of Enterprise Switches | FS Community

Wi-Fi Setup with SOHO Network Switch: Step-by-Step Guide

In today’s digital age, Wi-Fi has become an integral part of our daily lives, enabling seamless connectivity and access to information. For small businesses and home offices, a stable and efficient Wi-Fi network is essential for productivity and communication. This article aims to provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide on setting up Wi-Fi using a Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) network switch.

Understanding SOHO Network Switches and Their Advantages

Before we dive into the setup process, it’s important to understand what SOHO network switches are and how they help build a reliable Wi-Fi network. SOHO network switches are designed for small networks and offer many advantages. They enhance network bandwidth and ensure smooth and uninterrupted data flow. Additionally, they provide stable connections, eliminate lag and reduce network congestion. In addition, SOHO network switches support multi-device connections to meet the needs of modern enterprises and homes.

Evaluating Wi-Fi Needs and Choosing the Right SOHO Network Switch

To begin the setup process, it’s important to evaluate your Wi-Fi requirements. Consider the scale of your network and the coverage range needed. Determine the number of devices that will connect to the Wi-Fi network and the required bandwidth to accommodate their usage. These considerations will help you select the most suitable SOHO network switch for your specific needs. Compare different models based on their features, performance, and scalability. FS S3150-8T2FP switch is based on the high-performance hardware and FSOS platform, it supports functions such as ACL, QinQ and QoS. Its simple management mode and flexible installation can meet the requirement of any complicated scenarios. This access switch delivers a compact, cost-effective solution for carrier’s IP MAN and enterprise networks.

Setting Up the SOHO Network Switch and Wi-Fi Network

Once you have chosen the appropriate SOHO network switch, it’s time to proceed with the setup. This section will guide you through the necessary steps to establish your Wi-Fi network.

  1. Connecting Network Devices and Basic Configuration: Connect the SOHO network switch to your modem or router using an Ethernet cable. Then, connect other network devices like computers and printers to the switch using Ethernet cables. Perform basic configurations such as assigning IP addresses and configuring network settings.
  2. Creating the Wi-Fi Network and Setting Security Measures: Access the management interface of the SOHO network switch through a web browser using its IP address. In the interface, set up the Wi-Fi network by choosing a name (SSID) and password. Enable encryption (WPA2 is recommended) to protect data transmitted over the network. Configure firewall settings and access controls to enhance network security.
  3. Extending Wi-Fi Coverage Range and Signal Optimization: Identify areas with weak Wi-Fi coverage by checking signal strength in different parts of your space. Install additional access points or Wi-Fi range extenders strategically to expand coverage, ensuring a strong signal throughout. Optimize signal strength by adjusting the placement of network devices and antennas, avoiding obstacles and interference sources. Consider implementing mesh networking technology for seamless coverage across larger areas.

By following these steps, you can successfully set up your SOHO network switch and establish a secure and reliable Wi-Fi network. Remember to regularly update the firmware of your network switch for improved performance and security.

Applications and Management of Business Wi-Fi

Beyond the initial setup, it’s essential to explore the applications and management of your business Wi-Fi network.

  • Guest Networks and Access Control: Set up a separate guest network and implement access controls to ensure security and limit unauthorized access.
  • Performance Management: Monitor and optimize Wi-Fi performance by adjusting settings, minimizing interference, and regularly updating firmware and software.
  • Network Security and Privacy: Regularly review and update security settings, use strong passwords, consider additional security measures like VPNs, and educate users about secure Wi-Fi practices.


Setting up Wi-Fi using a SOHO network switch is a crucial step for small businesses and home offices in achieving a stable and efficient wireless connection. By understanding the advantages of SOHO network switches, evaluating Wi-Fi needs, and following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, users can establish a robust Wi-Fi network tailored to their specific requirements. Regular management and maintenance of the Wi-Fi network are essential for ensuring continued stability, security, and high performance. By prioritizing network needs, security, and performance optimization, businesses and households can enjoy the benefits of a reliable and efficient wireless connection. If you want to learn more, please visit

Related Articles:

Steps to set up WiFi using a soho network switch | FS Community

Boost Network with Advanced Switches for Cloud Management

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, cloud computing and effective cloud management have become crucial for businesses. This article aims to explore how advanced switching solutions can enhance network cloud management capabilities, enabling organizations to optimize their cloud environments.

What is Cloud Management?

Cloud management refers to the exercise of control over public, private or hybrid cloud infrastructure resources and services. This involves both manual and automated oversight of the entire cloud lifecycle, from provisioning cloud resources and services, through workload deployment and monitoring, to resource and performance optimizations, and finally to workload and resource retirement or reallocation.

A well-designed cloud management strategy can help IT pros control those dynamic and scalable cloud computing environments. Cloud management enables organizations to maximize the benefits of cloud computing, including scalability, flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and agility. It ensures efficient resource utilization, high performance, greater security, and alignment with business goals and regulations.

Challenges in Cloud Management

Cloud management can be a complex undertaking, with challenges in important areas including security, cost management, governance and compliance, automation, provisioning and monitoring.

  • Resource Management: Efficiently allocating and optimizing cloud resources can be complex, especially in dynamic environments with fluctuating workloads. Organizations need to ensure proper resource provisioning to avoid underutilization or overprovisioning.
  • Security: Protecting sensitive data and ensuring compliance with regulations is a top concern in cloud environments. Organizations must implement robust security measures, including access controls, encryption, and vulnerability management, to safeguard data and prevent unauthorized access or breaches.
  • Scalability: As businesses grow, their cloud infrastructure must be scalable to accommodate increased demand without compromising performance. Ensuring the ability to scale resources up or down dynamically is crucial for maintaining optimal operations.

To address these challenges, organizations rely on cloud management tools and advanced switches. Cloud management tools provide centralized control, monitoring, and automation capabilities, enabling efficient management and optimization of cloud resources. They offer features such as resource provisioning, performance monitoring, cost optimization, and security management.Advanced switches play a vital role in ensuring network performance and scalability. They provide high-speed connectivity, traffic management, and advanced features like Quality of Service (QoS) and load balancing. These switches help organizations achieve reliable and efficient network connectivity within their cloud infrastructure.

Advantages of FS Advanced Switches in Cloud Management

Selecting a switch with cloud management capabilities is crucial for ensuring smooth operations. FS S5810 series switches seamlessly integrate with cloud management tools, enabling comprehensive network management and optimization. These enterprise switches come with the superior FS Airware to deliver managed cloud services.

FS S5810 Series Switches for the Cloud-managed Network

FS Airware introduces a cloud-based network deployment and management model. The network hardware is still deployed locally, while the management functions are migrated to the cloud (usually referred to as public cloud). This approach allows administrators to centrally manage the network from any location using user-friendly graphical interfaces accessible through web pages or mobile applications. With FS S5810 series switches and FS Airware, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Centralized Visibility and Control: With FS Airware, enterprises can centrally monitor and manage network resources, applications, and services. This provides continuous oversight and control, enhancing operational efficiency and ensuring peace of mind.
  2. IT Agility and Efficiency: FS Airware enables remote management, remote operations and maintenance (O&M), and mobile O&M across the internet. This reduces costs and offers automatic troubleshooting and optimization capabilities, leading to increased operational efficiency and a competitive edge.
  3. Data and Privacy Security: FS S5810 switches support various security features such as hardware-based IPv6 ACLs, hardware CPU protection mechanisms, DHCP snooping, Secure Shell (SSH), SNMPv3, and Network Foundation Protection Policy (NFPP). These functions and protection mechanisms ensure reliable and secure data forwarding and management, meeting the needs of enterprise networks.
  4. Easy Switch Management: FS Airware simplifies the deployment and management of switches across individual branches. It enables remote centralized deployment and management, significantly enhancing management efficiency.

By combining the FS S5810 Series switches with FS Airware, organizations can achieve centralized visibility and control, enhance agility and efficiency, increase data and privacy security, and simplify switch management across cloud network infrastructure.


In conclusion, as cloud computing continues to dominate the digital landscape, efficient cloud management is critical for enterprises to remain competitive and agile. Advanced switching solutions, such as the FS S5810 Series with FS Airware, enable enterprises to overcome resource allocation, security and scalability challenges. Advanced network hardware and cloud-based management tools work together to create an optimized cloud environment. If you want to learn more about FS S5810 enterprise switches and the network platform Airware, please visit

Related Articles:

Achieve Cloud Management with Advanced Switch Solutions | FS Community

5G and Multi-Access Edge Computing

Over the years, the Internet of Things and IoT devices have grown tremendously, effectively boosting productivity and accelerating network agility. This technology has also elevated the adoption of edge computing while ushering in a set of advanced edge devices. By adopting edge computing, computational needs are efficiently met since the computing resources are distributed along the communication path, i.e., via a decentralized computing infrastructure.

One of the benefits of edge computing is improved performance as analytics capabilities are brought closer to the machine. An edge data center also reduces operational costs, thanks to the reduced bandwidth requirement and low latency.

Below, we’ve explored more about 5G wireless systems and multi-access edge computing (MEC), an advanced form of edge computing, and how both extend cloud computing benefits to the edge and closer to the users. Keep reading to learn more.

What Is Multi-Access Edge Computing

Multi-access edge computing (MEC) is a relatively new technology that offers cloud computing capabilities at the network’s edge. This technology works by moving some computing capabilities out of the cloud and closer to the end devices. Hence data doesn’t travel as far, resulting in fast processing speeds.

Ideally, there are two types of MEC, dedicated MEC and distributed MEC. Dedicated MEC is typically deployed at the customer’s site on a mobile private network and is designed only for one business. On the other hand, distributed MEC is deployed on a public network, either 4G or 5G, and connects shared assets and resources.

With both the dedicated and distributed MEC, applications run locally, and data is processed in real or near real-time. This helps avoid latency issues for faster response rates and decision-making. MEC technology has seen wider adoption in video analytics, augmented reality, location services, data caching, local content distribution, etc.

How MEC and 5G are Changing Different Industries

At the heart of multi-access edge computing are wireless and radio access network technologies that open up different networks to a wide range of innovative services. Today, 5G technology is the ultimate network that supports ultra-reliable low latency communication. It also provides an enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) capability for use cases involving significant data rates such as virtual reality and augmented reality.

That said, 5G use cases can be categorized into three domains, massive IoT, mission-critical IoT, and enhanced mobile broadband. Each of the three categories requires different network features regarding security, mobility, bandwidth, policy control, latency, and reliability.

Why MEC Adoption Is on the Rise

5G MEC adoption is growing exponentially, and there are several reasons why this is the case. One reason is that this technology aligns with the distributed and scalable nature of the cloud, making it a key driver of technical transformation. Similarly, MEC technology is a critical business transformation change agent that offers the opportunity to improve service delivery and even support new market verticals.

Among the top use cases driving the high level of 5G, MEC implementation includes video content delivery, the emergence of smart cities, smart utilities (e.g., water and power grids), and connected cars. This also showcases the significant role MEC plays in different IoT domains. Here’s a quick overview of the primary use cases:

  • Autonomous vehicles – 5G MEC can help enhance operational functions such as continuous sensing and real-time traffic monitoring. This reduces latency issues and increases bandwidth.
  • Smart homes – MEC technology can process data locally, boosting privacy and security. It also reduces communication latency and allows for fast mobility and relocation.
  • AR/VR – Moving computational capabilities and processes to edge amplifies the immersive experience to users, plus it extends the battery-life of AR/VR devices.
  • Smart energy – MEC resolves traffic congestion issues and delays due to huge data generation and intermittent connectivity. It also reduces cyber-attacks by enforcing security mechanisms closer to the edge.
MEC Adoption
MEC Adoption

Getting Started With 5G MEC

One of the key benefits of adopting 5G MEC technology is openness, particularly API openness and the option to integrate third-party apps. Standards compliance and application agility are the other value propositions of multi-access edge computing. Therefore, enterprises looking to benefit from a flexible and open cloud should base their integration on the key competencies they want to achieve.

One of the challenges common during the integration process is hardware platforms’ limitations, as far as scale and openness are concerned. Similarly, deploying 5G MEC technology is costly, especially for small-scale businesses with limited financial backing. Other implementation issues include ecosystem and standards immaturity, software limitations, culture, and technical skillset challenges.

To successfully deploy multi-access edge computing, you need an effective 5G MEC implementation strategy that’s true and tested. You should also consider partnering with an expert IT or edge computing company for professional guidance.

5G MEC Technology: Key Takeaways

Edge-driven transformation is a game-changer in the modern business world, and 5G multi-access edge computing technology is undoubtedly leading the cause. Enterprises that embrace this new technology in their business models benefit from streamlined operations, reduced costs, and enhanced customer experience.

Even then, MEC integration isn’t without its challenges. Companies looking to deploy multi-access edge computing technology should have a solid implementation strategy that aligns with their entire digital transformation agenda to avoid silos.

Article Source: 5G and Multi-Access Edge Computing

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FS UPS–Save Your Power

Imagine that you are working overnight for a project planning on your computer, and all of a sudden, you see a blank screen due to power cut. And what’s worse, all of your documents, important data and information are lost, and all of your efforts are in vain. It does sound like a devastating tragedy, right? However, with FS UPS power supply, you won’t worry about the issue of lost information. You can still move on with your work even if there is a power blackout. Why it’s so magic? Let’s check it out.


Three Operational Modes of UPS System

An uninterruptible power supply, also known as uninterruptible power source, UPS or battery/flywheel backup, is an electrical apparatus that provides emergency power to a load when the input power source or mains power fails. A modern UPS system has three general categories: on-line, line-interactive and standby/offline.

A standby/offline UPS charges its battery and then waits for the mains power to drop off. When that happens, the Standby UPS mechanically switches to the battery backup. This switch over takes about 20-100 milliseconds, which is generally well within the tolerance threshold of most electronics.

A line-interactive UPS has a similar design to a standby UPS, but includes a special transformer. This special transformer makes line-interactive UPS better at handling brownouts and power sags without consuming the limited reserve battery power.

An online UPS completely isolates the devices attached to it from the wall power. Instead of jumping into action at the first sign of power cut or voltage regulation issues like the standby and line-interactive UPS, the online UPS continuously filters the wall power through the battery system.

When A UPS is Needed

UPS power supply can not only solve the problem of power outages, but also the following power quality problems.

1.Power surge—The effective value of the output voltage is 110% higher than the rated value and such condition lasts for one or more cycles.

2.High voltage spike—A voltage with a peak value of 6000V and duration from 1/10000 second to 1/2 cycles (10ms).

3.Switching transient—An impulse voltage whose peak voltage reaches up to 20000V, but duration sustains within millionth of a second to one in ten thousand second.

4. Power sags—It refers to a low voltage state whose mains voltage is between 80% and 85% of the rated value, and lasts for one to several cycles.

5. Electrical line noise—It refers to Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), Electromagnetic Interference (EFI) and other kinds of high frequency interference.

6. Frequency variation—The change of mains voltage frequency exceeds more than 3Hz.

7. Brownout—The effective value of the mains voltage is continuously below the rated value for a long time.

8. Power fail—The interruption of the power supply and lasts for at least two cycles to several hours.

What Kind of UPS Can FS Offer

FS mainly deals with online UPS, including one-phrase and three-phrase type. FS online UPS always provides power from the battery, so the load always gets clean power regardless of any power problems. Therefore, FS online UPS is recommended for sensitive and critical electronic devices. The online UPSs offered by FS act as advanced power managers, ensuring the availability of an uninterrupted power supply to protect hardware (such as computers, data centres, telecommunication equipment or other electrical equipment) and mission critical applications. As is shown in the picture below, FS online UPS can be divided into eight parts and each of them has its unique function.


High-quality UPS plays an important role in safeguarding against many potential energy issues. If you are investigating the best system for your own requirements, speak to one of our technical specialists who will be able to provide free advice on the most appropriate solution. Feel free to contact us via

ElectronicCast: 2013 Fiber Optic Connector Market Reached $ 2.39 Billon

According to the latest report from ElectronicCast consultants shows that in 2012 fiber connectors and mechanical splices sold worldwide reached $ 2.39 billion. The data center applications accounted for more than half of the optical connectivity markets. ElectroicCas said telecom operator’s demand for optical connectors will continue to grow in the next five years.

ElectronicCast report notes that in 2012 the application of optical data network connectors accounted for 51% of the total market last year for $ 1.2 billion. Telecommunication market’s demand is $ 669 million, due to fiber broadband network construction, the future of this field will maintain an average annual growth rate of 14.5%, to reach $ 1.3 billion by 2017. Fiber optic connectors, the third largest market segment for military, aerospace and other applications of products under strict conditions, in 2012 the total market are $ 270 million.

fiber connector market share

By connector type to points, 2012 single-mode fiber optic connector markets are $ 786 million, accounting for 33% of the market, mainly used in the telecommunications market. Multimode connector is mainly used for short-haul markets, such as LAN, high-performance computing, data centers, accounting for 61% of the total market. Another 6% of the market is the mechanical splices.

ElectronicCas point that advanced technology extended from optical fibers to the users, which will bring more demand for more miniaturized connectors and ribbon fiber connectors.

Published by Fiberstore, industry news –

FX Networks Choose Infinera DTN-X for New Zealand Fibre Optic Network

Infinera, the owner and operator of a national selection of the Infinera DTN-X platform for its national wide network. With the features of 500 Gigabit per second (Gb/s) long haul super-channels, the Infinera DTN0-X platform is able to build a new network infrastructure which delivers 10, 40 and 100 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) services to service providers and research and education networks.

FX Network, which is already operating a national inter-city optical transport network, has partnered with REANZ. New Zeanland’s Research and Education Network, to build this new multi-terabit infrastructure. The agreement between the two parties includes joint investment and fibre sharing and should improve the ability of researchers and scientists across New Zealand to participate in data-intensive experiments, both with New Zealand and around the world.

The high capacity network also will benefit the existing and future business and ISP customers of FX Network via the availability of the 10GbE, 40GbE, and 100GbE services the network will support. Indiana says the DTN-X’s super-channel capabilities, supported via its 500-Gbps photogenic integrated circuits (PICs), and intelligent software control will provide both high capacity and rapid service turn up.

“We are seeing burgeoning demand for high speed data services in New Zealand, impacted by the growing trend towards the use of cloud-based services and an insatiable demand for content from customers of the ISP’s that rely on our backhaul services, ” said David Heald, CEO at FX Network. “We expect this to continue and accelerate with the ongoing deployment f Ultra Fast Broadband (UFB) access services throughout most of New Zealand. The deployment of Infinera’s DTN-X platform is a crucial part of our strategy to provide unintended, reliable, cost-effective data services between New Zealand’s UFB Point of Interconnect, which are becoming the key locations for data aggregation in New Zealand.”

“The partnership with FX Networks to deploy this massive optical network across New Zealand is a significant change in this country,” said Steve Cotter, CEO of REANNZ. “With the Infinera supper-channels we will be able to offer up to 100GbE services providing our scientific community with the fasters network technology available today, putting them on a level playing field with the rest of the world.”

“Infinera is pleased to work with our in-country partner Dimension Data to deliver and support this multi-terabit optical networking across New Zealand for FX Networks and REANNZ,” said Andrew Bond Webster, VP Sales, APPAC, for Infinera. “The Intelligent Transport Network offers differentiated services while reducing operating costs through scale, multi-layer convergence and automation, enabling high-capacity services to be delivered quickly throughout the country.”

Google Fiber Began to Enter the United Kingdom

In recent months, a new fiber optic communication market player Google Fiber has been busy laying cables, and offer very competitive FTTH services portfolio. Although the network is currently limited to Kansas, it may be just the beginning because of the heritage of Google’s upstart blood.

Google has not satisfied its own web service, mobile platforms, web browsers and even education and productivity hardware, this technology giant will now spotlight data transmission business.

At least, this is a belief. Of cause, now Google’s attitude to its fiber optic business has been very cautious, especially in Kansas City 1G, 79 GBP/ month service has just put into operation for a month, Google access service Milo Medin, president position, “Google Fiber has become an important business sector that brings huge gains.”

However, serious speech of Medin does not eliminate doubts about peoples including fiber supporter groups, they claimed Google from start to finish hasn’t regarded the fiber business seriously, but simply want to provoke major telecommunications providers.

European FTTH Council Communications Director Nadia Bahaali said, “Google is being launched worldwide in a Gigabit (Gbit) city competition, it also made it clear to other carries: If you refuse to provide us wit the necessary equipment development services, We can be our own building.”

With Google Fiber showing of its ambition to Texas and Utah, it is widely believed that the company will further expand its business network.

After the news, Google want to establish a cooperative relationship with the UK IT service company Colt. For a company which has already its own fiber and DSL infrastructure, this is more like a happy coincidence. The problem is that would Google has the development space in the UK optical market?

Dowden admitted that in the smart phone today, Britain is facing the problem of increasing capacity demands, but if entering the UK market, Google will be faced with the intense competition from BT, Virgin Media and other fiber optic equipment provider. The British government is also vague uncertainty about the construction of fiber optic network “growth agenda”, although the government wants to speed up the country (including the most remote areas) fiber construction speed, but Dowden believe that this process will very slow.

In Kansas City, Google said it cut the installation costs by dealing with local government officials. British Indigo Telecoms Company (focused on installing high speed service) CEO Stephen Thompson said the UK market very much welcomes the Google Fiber. “Participate of new competitors will bring benefits, such as increased speed of service and to provide users with more extensive and better quality of service.”

Google’s approach may demonstrate a self-fulfilling prophecy, because if you put aside Google’s influence, this type of marketing is very likely to fail.

Babaali said, “People will compare the speed and the content, do not care about service problems; but if we have been talking about, gigabyte network need to develop a wide range of service, Google will do so.”

No matter what is Google’s foreign fiber network strategy, it seems to have won the peoples”s support. For this constant pursuit of faster speeds in the industry, this may not be a bad thing.

Twist Beam Can Improve The Fiber Information Carrying Capacity

FiberStore news, the latest research achievements from a research team in the United States show, encoding information through twist beam of different shape can improve the Internet “Information Super Highway” carrying capacity, which effectively alleviate the network congestion.

Internet traffic is growing exponentially, researchers have been trying to enhance the communication capacity of optic fiber cable. A successful method used in the past 20 years, basically is to rely on the more “lane”, refers to use a different color or wavelength to transmit different signals. But just like in the real highway, since the amount of “lane” is increased, each width is narrower, so the data stream can only be mixed together.

From past few years, there are a number of research teams trying to get through the shape of light beam to encode the information, in order to ease network traffic congestion, the technology used the called light property of orbital angular momentum. Currently, the network signal is the use of straight spread light beam to transmit, but the specific filters can make the beam distortions in varying degrees in the process of moving. However, the experiments results using this effect are not ideal: different shapes of light beam often mix with each other in advance distance of less than 1 metre.

But now, researchers at Boston University and the University of Southern California cooperated, found a way to make the different shapes of light beam travel separately, the transmission distance reached a record of 1.1 km.

In the experiment, the researchers designed and built a 1.1 km long glass fiber cable, the cross section has a different refractive index (used to measure the travel speed of light in a specific medium). Then, they sent beam of winding and straight along the cable.

The research team found, light output and input can be matched, show that the various shapes beam does not appear mixed. Different refractive index significantly affects only a certain shape of beam, so these different shapes of beams are moving at different speeds in the cable. “This means we can keep them separate.” Research team leader, Boston University Electrical Engineer Saida Si Rama Ramachandran said.

The researchers carried out several tests using beam of clockwise and counterclockwise with varying distortion degrees, and found there are about 10 different shapes of beams can be used to transmit information. The results are exciting, because every shapes may presage the “information highway” traffic is expected to reach a whole new level. Based on this, the data stream is is further divided into narrow “lane” according to the different colors, thereby maximize the flow.

However, the laboratory results applied to real world still need time, in part because the current Internet fiber optic cable only transport straight beams. Ramachandran said, a more direct goal, may be used in server farm between servers by some large network companies like Facebook, install cables which can transmit twisted beam in short distance.

Infonetics: 16G Fibre Channel Leads High-performance Interconnect Market

Market research firm Infonetics Research forecasts that the SAN and high-performance interconnect market will top $9 billion by 2017, with the high-performance interconnect segment gaining around as 10G Gigabit Ethernet (GE), 10GE and 100GE transport become the norm for networking within the data centre.

Nevertheless, the leading manufacturers in the SAN and high performance interconnect markets all had a down quarter in 1Q13, according to Infonetics.

“While most SAN equipment languished in the 1st quarter of 2013, 16G Fibre Channel switches put up a very strong showing,” notes Michael Howard, Infonetics Research’s co-founder and principal analyst for carrier networks. “Sales of chassis 16G Fibre Channel switches grew 45%, and fixed switches more than doubled from the previous quarter.”

Worldwide revenues for SAN equipment, including Fibre Channel switches and ISCSI and Fibre Channel host bus adapters, also declined to $604 million in 1Q13, an 8% drop from 4Q12.

Howard adds, “The bulk of 16G Fibre Channel deployments continue to be inter-switch link applications, but with server input/output capabilities rising with the introduction of Intel’s Romley, and with Emulex’s and QLogic’s first 16G Fibre Channel fibre adapters shipments, we expect a more meaningful adoption of 16G for server connections to begin in 2013.”

The initial pent-up demand that provided a jump start for 16G Fibre Channel switches is still in motion, but Infonetics believes it will soon slow and settle into a growth pattern more in line with the 8G segment of the market.


  • Worldwide revenue for SAN equipment, including Fibre Channel switches and iSCSI and Fibre Channel host bus adapters, declined to $604 million in 1Q13, an 8% drop from 4Q12
  • The initial pent-up demand that provided a jump start for 16G Fibre Channel switches is still in motion, but Infonetics believes it will soon slow and settle into a growth pattern more in line with the 8G segment
  • On the heels of huge growth in 2012, the global high-performance interconnect equipment market, including converged FCoE/Ethernet switches and converged network adapters, slumped 13% sequentially in 1Q13, but is up 45% from the year-ago quarter
  • Infonetics forecasts the SAN and high-performance interconnect (HPI) equipment market to top $9 billion by 2017, with the HPI segment gaining as 10GE, 40GE and 100GE transports become the norm for networking within the data centre.
  • The leading fibre optic manufacturer in the SAN and high-performance interconnect markets all had a down quarter in 1Q13

Infonetics’ quarterly SAN report provides worldwide and regional market size, vendor market share, forecasts through 2017, trends and analysis for chassis and fixed Fibre Channel switches; Fibre Channel and iSCSI host bus adapters; chassis and fixed converged FCoE and Ethernet switches; and converged network adapters. Companies tracked: Alcatel-Lucent, Brocade, Chelsio, Cisco, Dell, Emulex, IBM (BNT), Juniper, Mellanox, QLogic and others.