Tag Archives: Ubiquiti switch

Why not Use Third-party Fibre Transceivers for Ubiquiti Switches?

Ubiquiti is famous for its switches such as Edge Switch, Edge Router, UniFi switch. Last year, this manufacturer officially released its own SFP and SFP+ fibre optic transceivers which are compatible with their switches. At the same time, it’s said that fibre transceivers from some fibre optic transceiver manufacturers such as Fiberstore can support Ubiquiti switches. This article will discuss what kind of third-party fibre transceivers are compatible with Ubiquiti switches and which fibre optic transceiver manufacturers is the most reliable.

Ubiquiti Fibre Transceivers

Ubiquiti switches are specially designed for 1G and 10G network. They didn’t produce their own fibre transceivers until last year. They only provide a small amount of single mode and multimode fibre transceivers. UF-MM-1G and UF-SM-1G-S are designed for SFP ports on Ubiquiti switches. And fibre transceivers like UF-MM-10G, UF-SM-10G, UF-SM-10G-S are for Ubiquiti switches’ SFP+ ports.

Third-party Fibre Transceivers For Ubiquiti Switches

Except their own SFP or SFP+ transceivers, those from other fibre optic transceiver manufacturers like Cisco, Dell, HP, Finisar, Brocade have been tested to be compatible with Ubiquiti switches by some users. Cisco, the world famous fibre optic transceiver manufacturer, has seven SFPs supporting Ubiquiti switches, Cisco GLC-LH-SM 30-1299-01 SFP, Cisco GLC-SX-MM, Cisco GLC-SX-MM 1000BASE-SX SFP, Cisco SFP-H10GB-CU1M, Cisco MGBSX1 Gigabit SX Mini-GBIC SFP Transceiver and Cisco GLC-T. Besides, for 10G network, Cisco SFP-10G-SR can be plugged in SFP+ ports on their switches.

Fiberstore Fibre Transceivers For Ubiquiti Switches

Fiberstore also has a wide variety of SFP and SFP+ transceivers compatible for Ubiquiti switches. Users have recommended some SFPs and SFP+s from Fiberstore, for instance, SFP1G-LX-31 1310nm (single mode SFPs), SFP-1G85-5M (multi-mode), SFP-GB-GE-T Module, SFP-10G85-3M (multi-mode).

Comparison Between Ubiquiti and Fiberstore Fibre Transceiver

There are so many third-party transceiver manufacturers providing compatible fibre transceivers fro Ubiquiti switches. But which fibre transceiver supplier should you choose? The answer is Fiberstore. Now let’s see why Fiberstore is more advantageous by comparing Ubiquiti with Fiberstore fibre transceiver.

    • Fibre Transceiver Category—Ubiquiti has only one single mode SFP and one multimode SFP. As to SFP+ transceivers, there only two single mode modules and one multimode module. The fibre transceiver category is very limited. While users have plenty of choices for SFPs and SFP+s from Fiberstore. As mentioned above, Ubiquiti switches support some fibre transceivers from third-party fibre optic transceiver manufacturers. Fiberstore offers many compatible brands like Cisco, Dell, HP, Finisar, Brocade, etc. Those SFPs and SFP+s have been tested to be suitable for Ubiquiti switches.
    • Fibre Transceiver Quality—Some fibre optic transceiver manufacturers produce SFP and SFP+ transceivers with low price. However, the quality of those fibre transceivers can’t be assured. In our test centre, we have switches from Cisco, Dell, Extreme, Juniper and other famous brands. Every fibre transceiver offered by Fiberstore before shipping has to go through strict test to assure 100% compatibility and high performance.

fs fiber transceiver

    • Fibre Transceiver Price—Except fibre transceiver quality, fibre transceiver price is another important factor to be considered. Compare fibre transceiver price of Fiberstore with that of other fibre optic transceiver manufacturers, it’s obvious that Fiberstore has more advantages. That’s one of the reasons why Fiberstore wins popularity among customers. You can check the following screenshots about the feedback from customers.

customer review2


If you have to purchase fibre transceiver for your Ubiquiti switches, you can get SFP or SFP+ from Ubiquiti. Or you can buy from third-party fibre optic transceiver manufacturers. How to choose a reliable supplier from so many fibre transceiver manufacturers? When buying fibre transceiver, the quality, price, and after-sales service should be considered. As one of fibre optic transceiver manufacturers, Fiberstore is suggested to be a good choice for fibre transceiver needs. For more information about FS.COM fibre transceiver, please visit our site www.fs.com/uk or contact us via sales@fs.com.

Related article of my blog: Transceiver Solutions for Ubiquiti UniFi Switches